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Looking to dive a little deeper into plant science or native plant gardening? Browse a collated collection of some of ENPS' favorite resources. 

ENPS Guides

Best Native Flowers and Grasses

Best Native Flowers and Grasses

A guide to selecting native flowers and grasses that grow well in different areas, and that will attract pollinators to your garden.

Native Plants for Bees and Butterflies

Native Plants for Bees and Butterflies

A list of native plants, organized by season, that will support bees and butterflies.

Key to the Asters

Key to the Asters

This key will help you to identify asters local to the Edmonton area. 



A guide to using the Database of Vascular Plants of Canada. 

Guidelines for a Naturalized Yard

Guidelines for a Naturalized Yard

A guide to help you get started naturalizing your yard.

Table of Pollen and Nectar Plants

Table of Pollen and Nectar Plants

A table of plants that are important sources of pollen and nectar throughout the growing season.

Key to the Goldenrods

Key to the Goldenrods

This key will help you to identify goldenrods native to the Edmonton area. 

External Databases and Plant ID

Electronic Atlas of the Flora of British Columbia

An online biogeographic atlas of the flora (vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, and algae) of British Columbia. Includes a citizen science component.

Flora of North America (FNA)

A comprehensive reference source for information on the names, taxonomic relationships, continent-wide distributions, and morphological characteristics of all plants native and naturalized found in North America north of Mexico.

Plant List of Attributes, Names, Taxonomy, and Symbols

The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.

Database of Vascular Plants of Canada

VASCAN is a database of biological plant information collected and managed by Canadensys, and operated from Université de Montréal Biodiversity Centre.

Open Textbook in Library

Browse Our Bookshelf

Explore our recommended volumes: A selection of classic and recently published books on botany (with a focus on the flora of Alberta), gardening, and supporting wildlife with native plants.

Other Sites to Check Out

Friends of ENPS

Other non-profit groups focused on native plants and their pollinators

Nature Alberta

Alberta Native Plant Council

Pollinator Partnership Canada

Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan

Alberta Native Bee Council

North American Native Plant Society

More Stuff We Think You'll Like

Plant Taxonomy for Students

Introduction to Taxonomy

Homegrown National Park

Alberta Plant Watch

Wild Ones Native Garden Designs

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