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River Valley Planning Modernization – Again

Updated: Sep 17, 2024

By Patsy Cotterill

The City of Edmonton’s River Valley Planning Modernization team will be presenting their reports on Phases 3 and 4 of public consultations on the Ribbon of Green Strategic Plan and the North Saskatchewan River Valley Area Redevelopment Plan (River Valley ARP) to the Urban Planning Committee of Council at their September 17 meeting. For further information, see

(These documents are available online: Google: Edmonton City Council Meetings → Council and Committee Meetings →Agenda & Minutes Calendar → click on the Urban Planning Committee Meeting on the 17th, →Agenda, then scroll down to item 7.5, RVP Modernization under Public Reports, and click on the attachments icon.) 

The Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition (ERVCC), a group of environmental advocates who focus particularly on river valley issues, wants the public to write to Council asking for mountain biking trails to be prohibited in Preservation areas. [Land in the river valley is classified into three categories: Preservation (restricted human activity), Conservation (more uses allowed) and Action/Working Landscapes (where a greater concentration of recreational uses are permitted, e.g., parks.] The ERVCC’s full text can be seen in their September newsletter at

An illegal trail carved into the steep embankment above Whitemud Creek, near Brookside, June 2019. Photo: P. Cotterill.

What the City’s Action Plan document actually says regarding trails is that “working with partner organizations and experts in trail planning and ecological management … identify an approved trail network…to support many different types of trails experiences and develop trail management recommendations… .“ This statement could be construed as putting more emphasis on recreational use rather than ecological integrity, and not overtly excluding wheeled traffic from Preservation Areas.  This despite repeated complaints from conservation-minded citizens of the vast network of supernumerary and environmentally destructive trails that already exists. (Mountain biking is technically considered “low impact” but this perception is wrong and has to change!)

The mountain biking community is a strong lobbyist for the status quo regarding their single-track network, which includes their illegally “user-generated” trails. The ERVCC is urging a countervailing conservationist voice.

Should the ENPS, with its interest in preserving native flora, apply to be included as a “partner organization” in the trail strategy consultations?

Council meetings can be followed online, and presentations to Council can also be delivered virtually. Regarding letters, a single email directed to and referencing the meeting will reach the Mayor and Councillors in one go, or you can email single councillors with the format: Feedback to Council and the planning team can still be received until both plans are finalized in December.


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